Memory of a Deer

Memory of a Deer

By Audrey Christine Once I saw a deer And I didn't know what his name was So I left him alone But one day he came back to me And I wrote him a letter But he chewed it up THE END

Loving and Living Spring

Loving and Living Spring

Dear Spring, Oh, how we have been anticipating your arrival. You have teased us with near summer-like days that turned into bone-shivering chills. Though you have officially arrived now, we know your winds are restless and change on whim. While your warmth and promise...



It seems only right to unveil this blog on the first day of spring. The external world is awakening and I find myself being swept along with it. Spring signifies a rebirth of spirit to me and that is also what I'm seeking with this blog. For the past few years, I have...

Intimations of Immortality by Wordsworth

Intimations of Immortality by Wordsworth

Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The soul that rises with us, our life's star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, And cometh from afar; Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come From God, who is our home....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

We witnessed a miracle today! About a week and a half ago, I was picking green beans from the garden when I saw a beautiful blue and green caterpillar attached to one of the green beans. He wasn't moving and he was in a strange stance with his mouth and end fixed on...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I just had the most amazing bonding time with Audrey. I was tucking her into bed with the lights off and she started asking me questions about God and "sins." Today during a time out, she made up a song about her sins. It was precious, but she's obviously dealing with...

Wednesday – June 25, 2008

We ate our first peas from the garden today! I am so excited. I love my memories of picking peas and eating them right from the pod as a child. Now Audrey and Anna are able to do the same. They both loved them! Audrey and I also discovered a snake's skin in the nature...

Tuesday – June 3, 2008

Sometimes the most simple days are the best. We had nothing planned for today except for my first piano lesson with Margie in the evening, yet it was just THE BEST day. Amazingly, Audrey crawled into bed with me this morning and let me snuggle with her...she never...

Monday – June 2, 2008

Happy birthday, Mom! Wish we could have seen you in person for your birthday, but it was fun to sing to you over the phone! Had to take Anna to get a new pair of splints for her shoes today. She did much better than last time - 45 minutes of them messing with her feet...

Sunday – June 1, 2008

I had an amazing experience participating in the Anniversary Choir today. In celebration of our church's 20th anniversary, we lead the 9:30 and 11:00 services with some of the most powerful praise songs. There were several moments of pure joy. It's such a different...

Saturday – May 31, 2008

Glorious Saturday - my day to sleep in as long as I want. I slept until almost 9am this morning and finally only got up after listening to Anna's whining. Justin and the girls went to Toys R Us to get a small swimming pool. While they were gone I realized that the new...

Friday – May 30, 2008

Woke up to one of the hottest, most humid days thus far. The girls and I went out around 8am to water the gardens. Audrey did a great job watering the front and sides herself then quit in favor of playing. For the first time, Anna walked from the patio all the way to...

Thursday – May 29, 2008

Had nothing planned for today - nice! The girls and I went for a walk in the AM. Said hello to Mr. Willow tree and he told us to come visit him more frequently. Audrey remembered us "sleeping" under a Bradford Pear tree at the corner and wanted to do it, again. Anna...

Wednesday – May 28, 2008

Wednesday – May 28, 2008

Went to a "dog show" at the library, but had to leave early to make it to a doctor appointment. The girls enjoyed the stories, short Clifford movie and the tricks performed by the sheltie named Burt. Audrey was upset that we had to leave early, but didn't fuss too...

Time For A Change

I've come to realize that I haven't been blogging because I always feel like I have to have something significant to say in order to warrant a post. Unfortunately, that takes time, energy and creativeness that I don't seem to have much of lately. I do regret that this...