Anna Banana Update

Today was the big day - Anna's 12 month check-up. We've been anxiously awaiting it because of our concerns about her gross motor development. Anna's legs tend to be very stiff and she points her toes most of the time. She did start crawling about three weeks ago on...

Things I've Learned…The Value of Work

I've officially been a "Work-At-Home" mom for 3 months now. The achiever in me wishes I could say that I have figured it all out. The reality is that every day is as much an enigma as the day before. I try to understand the unique qualities of my girls and grasp the...

Happy Birthday Anna Marie !

Happy Birthday Anna Marie !

There was once a little angel who flew from star to star collecting warmth and light as she went about. She loved to leap high and fall into the big, puffy clouds. The little angel went forth happily exploring her heavenly home. Most of all, she was passionate about...

I Paper Mâchèd Our Yard

I Paper Mâchèd Our Yard

In keeping with my thrifty post, I thought I'd share one of the more comical things I've done lately.I'm a doer - always thinking about my next project and I seldom worry or care about how difficult it's going to be - even if it's something I've never done before,...

Dog Etiquette

This post could also be titled: "How to Get Justin's Blood Boiling."We went to the park last week for an impromptu picnic dinner. As we were eating our egg salad sandwiches and pretzels, I noticed a twenty/thirty-something guy working out with his big, black dog....

Just Call Me Thrifty

I know the struggles of going from two incomes to one are not unique to our family, but it is all very new to us and has certainly has presented its challenges. What I've discovered, though, is that it has brought out the problem-solver in me and I'm just amazed at...

Heart to Heart

A few weeks ago Justin and I had a heart to heart conversation about the state of our marriage - something I think every couple should do from time to time. We were in a rut of getting things done side by side, but not really together if you know what I mean. Needless...

Sweet Anna

With two children it gets more and more difficult for me to slow down and take notice of the unique little things that each of them do on a daily basis. It takes my breath away that our sweet Anna will be one in less than two months! I just wanted to take a few...

Summer Recap

Summer Recap

My posts this summer were few and far between. I think about topics all day long, as things happen, and then when evening rolls around and I actually have time to write, I just want to veg and turn my brain off from the chaos of the day...I need to get better about...

Her First Rainbow

Her First Rainbow

After days of non-stop rain, I looked out the sliding glass doors to a rainbow. No matter how many I see, the wonder never ceases. This rainbow was even more special as it was the first one Audrey had ever seen. She giggled in delight when her eyes finally found the...

Busy Bees

I know that every parent thinks their children are amazing, but that's never going to dilute the awe I feel when I see the miracles we have been blessed with. Anna, at 9 months, is growing into her own little personality. She is the happiest baby I've ever seen. She...

New Seasons

Well, here we are getting ready to enter my favorite season of autumn and I've entered a new season of being stay-at-home mom, as well. I feel like I've been put through the ringer over the past few months. It's been a whirlwind to say the least. After our visit to...

Message to the Ice Cream Man

Please consider taking your break during peak nap time hours instead of driving through subdivisions promptly at 2pm EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK with your LOUD calliope music that wakes up sleeping children from the nap that they and their mothers so desperately need! We...

Thank Goodness for Guardian Angels

I really do believe that each of has a guardian angel. I've been through too many "close calls" to believe otherwise and now I thank God every day for keeping my children safe in spite of me! Call it laziness or stupidity, but I had stopped buckling Anna in her...

Body Envy

Audrey loves singing songs about whatever she feels like singing about. It's often about what she did that day or her current thoughts in general. One evening after going fishing with Justin and our next door neighbors in our subdivision pond, I was giving her a bath...

Words from a 2-year-old

It's becoming increasingly difficult/funny to explain complex concepts to Audrey because the short, child-friendly explanation is sometimes no longer sufficient for her and it's so funny the way she sometimes gets things mixed up. Some cases in point:#1. The other day...