I Cut Hair At Least As Well As Great Clips
So, either Justin really trusts me or he just really doesn't care about his appearance. We purchased an electric razor with guides, so we can save a few bucks by having me cut Justin's hair. Today was the first attempt and I must say it didn't end in disaster, which...
Sure, There's Clean Air, But What About The Scorpions?
So, I mentioned our possible move to the desert. Justin has a job opportunity that could take us out to the Phoenix area in about a year. It's not something we'd have to do, but he's always wanted to live out there and I feel like this is the time in our life for us...
Desert and Dessert: Big Choices Ahead
If someone would have told me 2 months ago that I would be doing the following I would have called them nuts. It's amazing how your world can change in a matter of days. There's so much behind each of these statements that I'll write about each of them in detail...
Beware: Female Content from a 2 Year Old
The Scene: Me sitting at the table as Audrey comes into the dining room after going potty.Audrey: Mom, I have a coupon in my underwear.Me: What?Audrey (completely serious): I'm pretending the toilet paper is a coupon.Me: What do you mean?Audrey (with exaggerated...
Brain Dump Forthcoming
Ok. It's been so long since I've been on here that I have a million random things to write about. There's been much going on and processing it all has taken every last brain cell I have, so blogging had to wait. I've found that I have to internalize things and stew...
4 months old …where does the time go?
Anna had her 4 month check-up last week, complete with 2 shots on each leg. Luckily big sister Audrey was there to make her feel better afterwards. Audrey was so cute. As the nurses were getting ready to give Anna the shot, she says, "Now Anna, it won't hurt too...
Yummy in My Tummy
Anna's first solid food: rice cereal and apple juice. She liked it, she liked it! It makes for some interesting diapers, though.
Hail to the Chief
Yesterday was a sad day for many University of Illinois fans. It was Chief Illiniwek's last dance. The university folded to NCAA pressure and the Chief is no longer the U of I mascot. It was a sad day for me, too. My father bleeds orange and blue and I have many fond...
Is There a Doctor in the House?
Background: Audrey's pediatrician's name is Dr. Buffa. Her baby doll was sick the other day and she was pretending to be a doctor to "check her out." "Don't worry baby, it won't hurt. I'm doctor Buffalo and I will take care of you!
History Repeating Itself
Christmas 1979: Myself (age 3) and my sister, Sarah (weeks old)Christmas 2006: Audrey (age 2) and Anna (1 month)This is the same rocking chair!
Can it really be this easy?
So, I just wrote about Audrey starting to use the toilet for the first time 6 days ago. For the past 4 days she has been completely dry. She has used the toilet (for both #1 and #2) every single time she had to go except during the night. She's even wearing underwear....
To Preschool or Not to Preschool…That is the Question
At our Parents as Teachers session last week, Miss Melanie asked whether we were going to enroll Audrey in the "Minds in Motion" program through our school district. It's 1 or 2 mornings a week for those kids that are born after the 3 year old preschool cut-off of...
The "Name" of the Game
Audrey's imagination is in full swing. I spend half of my day not remembering who I am supposed to be at the moment. She'll point her finger and matter-of-factly say, "YOU are David, I am Emmy, and JACK is Leah. " You can't slip and accidentally call someone their...
BIG news at the Fleetwood household. Audrey went pee pee in the toilet on Friday night, last night and 4 times today, including once at church! This is huge news considering before Friday night, if we even suggested sitting on the potty, she resounded with a emphatic,...
Family Resemblance
Put On Your Big Girl Panties and Deal With It!
I'm feeling very thankful today. We had a Parents As Teachers visit this morning with Miss Melanie and both girls are doing very well. Audrey is way ahead and Anna is right on track for a wee little one. Both girls have had a cold for the past few days, but other than...
A Loss for Words
"Daddy, why does the yink like to drink pink ink?"
Shock and Awe
Ok, I know that everyone thinks their kid is smart, but seriously Audrey is amazing. Every day I'm blown away by something she says or does. She's not even 2 1/2 and she can not only count to 15, but recognizes the numbers 0-10 on sight. She counts things. She knows...