Thank Goodness for Grandmas and Good Friends!

Justin and his mom went to Washington D.C. this past weekend for Amy's graduation from Georgetown. When they returned on Sunday, Diane decided to spend the night, again, instead of driving right home. Thank heaven she did! I woke up around 3am sick as a dog. Seems I...

The Ties That Bind Us

The Ties That Bind Us

Last week marked our annual excursion to my Aunt Beckie and Uncle Bob's home for Thanksgiving. This tradition began a few years ago when they moved into a wonderfully old, massive home that seems to have been built for just such occassions as these. It has quickly...

15 Month Reflections

How can you fit 15 months of "firsts" in one single post? That's easy. You can't. I'm not even going to try. However, I would like to record some random memories that I want to make sure I don't forget. There are thousands more where these came from, but this will...

Memories…Light the Corner of My Mind

Memories…Light the Corner of My Mind

Time is sliping away. Every day I look at the miracle of a child that God gave to us and I try to burn her voice, her expressions, & her quirky little motions into my mind. I don't ever want to forget any memory of her, yet I find myself doing just that every day. I...

A Little Piece of Heaven Right Here on Earth

A Little Piece of Heaven Right Here on Earth

At the beginning of this month, we took our first family vacation. Having never been to Camp Arcadia before, we didn't have many expectations other than getting away from the chaos of everyday life for 7 WHOLE DAYS! To say we were pleasantly surprised was an...

The Unveiling

There's something about putting my personal journal online that scares me to death. First of all, I haven't journaled in years and although I certainly find it a therapuetic excercise, just knowing that anyone who happens to find this blog can read about my innermost...

Anonymous Poem

Anonymous Poem

A ship I saw a-sailing, A ship so wondrous fair The crew were difficult to see, So small were they, all there. The bow was made of rose-petals, The mast was a rose's thorn; A beetle stood at the steering-helm, And a beetle at the stern. Lovely four-winged dragonflies,...