Written for Messy MiraclesA Prayer for Seeking The Still
There's much to say about 2017, but it can wait for now. At this moment I want to share this prayer with you. I have adopted it as the prayer for Seeking The Still. I do hope it will bless you and remind you to ever turn your gaze from yourself to the Author of Life....
When Every Day Is Picture Day
Today was picture day at my girls' school. The hovering cloud of tension was visible from the moment I pulled into the school parking lot. Moms frantically brushed hair with their child hanging halfway out the car door. Parents raced to the office to pick-up the...
Daily Doses of Seeking The Still
A Masterpiece In Plain Sight
By most Thursday nights, I'm emotionally and physically tapped. Thus it is pizza dinner night at the Fleetwood abode. Justin slightly adjusts his well-worn commute to stop by Little Ceaser's for dinner in a box. Afterward, you'll...
Prayer Is Not Enough For Orlando
Prayer is not enough, dear ones. It’s the beginning. It's the foundation. It’s important, but it’s not enough. #PrayForOrlando It’s one of the first reactions I saw online after the vile terror attack at the Pulse night club a few short days ago. And the very same...
My Word for the Summer
The house is so quiet tonight. My daughters and husband are gone, and the animals are curled up tight. I hear the hum of the air conditioner, the lively chirps of the robins, and the cars cruising along. The television is dark. Lights and phone are off. I notice the...