When the Truth Hurts – Week 7
It was evaluation time, again. That wonderful time of year when I get to see exactly what my students think of me, no holds barred. 24 feedback surveys from last semester's class. Fabulous results. Great scores. With the exception of 2 forms with hastily scrawled...
Week 6: One Step at a Time
Feet pound the pavement. Breath labors too fast, and I tell myself to BREATHE. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Every urge tells me to pant faster and faster. Instead, I slow down my breath. Slowly, rhythmically, I get it under control. Why did I sign...
Week 5: It’s the Little Things That Count
Happy Valentine's Day! It may be a made-up holiday, but Valentine's Day is a good reminder that showing love is important. There have been three deaths just recently that have made me intensely aware of the fleeting nature of our lives. One spirited, dearly beloved...
In Everything, Give Thanks
And it begins... 1. The feel and smell of the baby-shampooed head leaning on my shoulder. 2. Wood, stacked and fridge, full in preparation for the winter weather ahead. 3. Shiny pennies just restored through the unlikely polish of ketchup. 4. Candles lit by little...
Week 4: Hurry Hurts
Her six-year-old hand cautiously strikes the match, and she slowly, reverently gives light to the candle. I'm struck by the care she takes. Her pride in performing a task that I take for granted. Small eyes watch the flame dance, the smoke swirl into...
Week 3: When Plans are Made to be Broken
"Mommy, will you play pet shops with me?" the little voice pleads. I sigh and look up from the computer, stare at my to-do list a mile long. I begin to utter the familiar words, "Not right now sweetheart. Maybe in a little awhile." Then I remember. Soon I will be...
Week Two: Extraordinary in the Ordinary
A wise man once said, '"To be still sometimes requires great effort." That is according to my new box of Tazo Rest tea! It is true, though, what the wise man once said. Here I am, two weeks into my quest to seek the still in 2011, and I am already feeling like it...
Sitting on the Sideline
I was in 6th grade, traveling through our small town in our big gray Oldsmobile with my mom and sister. The rain was falling from the sky. I was warm and cozy on the soft, gray seats. An elderly woman walked on the sidewalk holding her purse tightly to her. She...
Giving Up Control
As I reflect upon week one, I find myself coming back to the issue of control. I am a first-born who likes to be in control. I drool over new calendars, planners, and the organizational section of any store. Little makes me happier than a clean house, to-do lists,...
Week One: About Being Still
Verse 10 of Psalm 46 commands us to "Be still, and know that I am God." At first glance that command sounds wonderful. Rest, relaxation, a ticket to ignoring my messy house, jobs undone or misbehaving children. A perpetual vacation. Unfortunately, I don't think...
In the Light of a New Year
I made my plans, did what seemed right, even believed that I was responding to God's call. My plans were destined for success, yet here I am one year later with a far different reality than I predicted. If you were previously a follower of this blog, you noticed my...
When You Least Expect It
For all of you who are here because of my BIG NEWS Christmas card teaser, the big news is not another Fleetwood baby! Sorry to disappoint...maybe in 2010! No, the big news has to do with a dream of mine. As a child, we're taught to dream big, and so we do. We don't...
Spice Rack Reborn
After 8 years of sitting on my counter, this wedding reception spice rack gift was ready for the trash or a new purpose. I considered pitching it when inspiration struck. Those small, glittery, accessories that I can never find when I need them and are forever ending...
Saying Goodbye is Never an Easy Thing…
But what if you don't get the chance to say goodbye? My paternal grandmother (TuTu) passed away this year on May 11. She was 83 years old. I'm grateful that the Lord took her quietly and peacefully, without pain or lengthy illness. We were not aware that she was sick,...
If You Let Them, They Will Create
With every day that passes, I'm more convinced that we underestimate our children. When you put your faith in them and provide gentle guidance, they are capable of more than I ever dreamed. Audrey and Anna are my inspiration. They think big, create with joy, and hold...
The Rainbow Bridge
A beautiful message given to my parents at the loss of their beloved dog, Marcus, who gave them 13 years of love, loyalty and laughs. R.I.P. dear Marcus, you are loved... As a side note. The Rainbow Bridge is also part of the girls' birth stories. More on that another...
Lest anyone thinks that we are rosey posey all the time around here, I am going to set that record straight. Today I was lucky to see 8pm roll around without LOSING MY MIND, let alone find any stillness in the chaos that was our life. As any parent knows, there are...
Up, Up and Away
Have you ever had dream where you were flying? Not a nightmare, but an exhilarating flying dream where soaring in the sky was as natural as walking on the ground? I completely forgot about my childhood flying dreams until a few months ago when reading a book that...