Written for Messy MiraclesGracefully Seeking the Still {31 Days}
Schedules. Deadlines. Weary and overwhelmed. If the snapshot of your life reflects the frazzled and the frustrated, then we are kindred spirits, indeed. I know all too well that Seeking the Still can easily sound like another thing to add to an already overflowing...
Not A Resolution In Sight
I know You're there, God. It's me, Laura. I guess you know that I've been struggling for quite some time about what to do here in this space. Seeking The Still has been my quest for several years now. Ever since You whispered the idea to me on a springtime day, and...
It’s All About Perspective {Day 9} 31 Moments of Still
Our journey today goes back just a few years, but it feels more like a dozen. It's from a part of my life that was so fleeting, but at the time felt like it would never end...the mom-of-a-baby-and-preschooler years! I became a stay-at-home mom when my second daughter...
The Swing {day 8} 31 Days of Still
The Swing By Robert Louis Stevenson How do you like to go up in a swing, Up in the air so blue? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing Ever a child can do!
Heaven on Earth {day 7} 31 Moments of Still
Today's moment isn't a single snapshot of time, but rather a place. The place I feel most content, most at peace, most still... I was pregnant with Audrey the first time we heard about it. At a church event, a couple shared stories of a place they vacationed each...
Tick Tock {day 6} 31 Moments of Still
I gaze upon my children and wonder. Of all the moments we spend together, of all the words I speak, which ones will lock in their memory? 30 years from now when they gaze back to these days, what will they recall... Clocks. Lots of clocks. Grandfather chimes,...