Written for Messy MiraclesWelcome To Seeking The Still!
It's Story Time & You're Invited It's story time, dear ones. Time to share. Time to come together. I have prepared 7 stories just for you. They are true stories from my life, but they were specifically chosen because they help you remember that there is hope and...
Overdrive (Part 2 in the Date with Destiny Series)
Continued from Date with Destiny - Part I. Please read Part I first. I am proud to come from a line of hard working, stoic German farmers whose family motto was work hard, play hard. My problem is that I have the work hard thing down cold. Play hard...not so much. I...
Date with Destiny – Part I
If I made a different decision, could I have avoided it all? Avoided the pain? Avoided the breakdown? Avoided the trauma? I ask that question of myself many times. For a myriad of reasons, I am confident the answer is no. Perhaps I could have staved it off for a...
Make Me Broken
I remember it well. Just over a year ago I was driving the girls to school. The sun was shining and my heart was full. I had never felt better or happier. A song came on the radio, and these words swirled in my head and my heart... Make me broken, so I can be...
When Darkness Descends
It's back. The debilitating anxiety has returned. An unsuccessful attempt to lower one of my medications (as recommended by my naturopth) has landed me back in the throws of darkness. Honestly, I had forgotten just how bad it could get. These past few months have...
2015: The Year of ????
Today's writing prompt from Bonnie Gray is the infamous "Word of the Year" post. Perhaps you've seen this phenomenon filling the blogosphere. Instead of an itemized list of new year resolutions, you choose one word on which to focus as the days, weeks, and months of...