Blog + Vlog
Put On Your Big Girl Panties and Deal With It!
I'm feeling very thankful today. We had a Parents As Teachers visit this morning with Miss Melanie and both girls are doing very well. Audrey is way ahead and Anna is right on track for a wee little one. Both girls have had a cold for the past few days, but other than...
A Loss for Words
"Daddy, why does the yink like to drink pink ink?"
Shock and Awe
Ok, I know that everyone thinks their kid is smart, but seriously Audrey is amazing. Every day I'm blown away by something she says or does. She's not even 2 1/2 and she can not only count to 15, but recognizes the numbers 0-10 on sight. She counts things. She knows...
My Heart is Bursting for the Babies!
This is such a happy, happy day! Two of our favorite couples had ultrasounds and found out the sex of the little miracles growing inside of them! There will FINALLY be a little boy in our family! Sarah and Mitch are expecting William (Will) Frederick on June 14th. I'm...
Randomness from Past Week
I am so thankful that Justin's mom was able to spend a few days with us last week. Thanks, Diane, for your love and commitment to our family! We were in stitches one night over this...Misty is our tomboy cat and, as you can see, she has no couth whatsoever.Best baby...
The Most Important Day of Her Life
Anna was baptized today. The holy waters of baptism have marked her as God's child, confirming her place in heaven and forgiving the sins that are innate within her. What a loving, gracious God we have who would send His Son to live a perfect life in an imperfect...
This is a First
Audrey was "hiding" yesterday morning to take a poop. She finished her business and then promptly fell asleep in this position! The entire kitchen smelled, but I didn't have the heart to wake her up just to change her diaper.
Answered Prayers
This is unbelievable. Anna slept for a 5 hour and 4 hour stretch last night and is STILL sleeping at 7am. Audrey is STILL sleeping at 7am. I slept in until 6:45 and I am dressed for work with make-up on and hair done drinking my coffee and blogging at 7am! See? That's...
Who's The Boss?
If you haven't ad the experience of being bossed around by a 2-year-old, it's definitely something you should put on your to-do list. I now understand why some people have so many children - it's so they have plenty of other kids to play with the little ones so they...
My Pity Party
I'm warning you in advance this post is a reflection of me in one of my weaker states of mind. I'm hoping that putting the words out here will help me sort through these emotions and be able to put them behind me or at least find a way to put them in perspective.I've...
How I Was Able to Put on Make-up This Morning
Audrey got to put some on, too.She pretended to take a shower.I used the Baby Bjorn Carrier.
Did She Eat Some Jumping Beans?
You'd never believe that Audrey is sick the way she's been jumping around the house lately. She'll jump off anything, whether it's 1 foot off the ground or 4. So far we've avoided any broken bones, but I'd put her bruised legs up against a 2-year-old boy's any day. I...
Hands-Free Parenting
The Baby Bjorn carrier is a lifesaver...I can actually carry BOTH girls AND still have one hand free, which seriously prevents a meltdown several times a day.
Returning to Work Post-Anna
Today was my first day back at work since Anna was born. I was dreading it, but it actually felt good to work that part of my brain, again. It's hard to believe it's been over 6 weeks. Time does fly. With Audrey I waited 3 months before going back to work because I...
2006 Goes Out With a Bang
Literally, the "bang" was my head beating against the wall. Audrey was in rare form today. I don't know if it's because she's sick or whether she's beginning a new "phase" (please, God, no), but it was almost more that we could take. Audrey is typically a fairly...
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