by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 23, 2015 | Anxiety, Help, support

When dealing with anxiety and depression, it’s critical to have a doctor you trust. I was connected to my first psychiatrist through the outpatient therapy program I attended. He was a staff doctor. And after completing the program, I continued to see him because it was easy. Eventually, though, I began to see a pattern that concerned me. He always said the same things. He asked me what I wanted to do in terms of my medication. And he was quick to give me samples of the latest and greatest drugs.
During this time, I had seasons of feeling good. A week here, a few weeks there. But something would trigger my anxiety, and I would sink once more. My sleep was not good, either, despite several sleep meds. I voiced my concerns to the doc each time, but when I left the office after a visit, I felt let down. I did not begin seeking a new doctor because I was just trying to survive, and the thought of researching a new doctor and then waiting for a new patient appointment wore me out. Thankfully, God knew I needed a change.
It’s truly extraordinary what God does when I trust Him. He ALWAYS provides the missing pieces of the puzzle.
After Christmas last year, a family member shared her son’s struggles with anxiety. We emailed and texted with prayer requests and words of support. One day, she texted me that her son was seeing a new therapist and while discussing family history of anxiety, my name came up. Now, these family members live in a completely different state, far away from me. But after casually mentioning where I lived, this new therapist asked if I was being treated at the St. Louis Behavioral Health Institute? “If not,” she said, “you need to tell her (me) that it is one of the best facilities in the country for treating anxiety-related conditions.”
What? I had never heard of this place and a therapist from another state just happens to mention it to a family member? This was obviously a Holy Spirit tap. I immediately googled. It was literally a dream come true. I once told a therapist that I thought there needed to be a facility like the Grey’s Anatomy offshoot Private Practice where doctors, therapists & psychiatrists all worked together with patients. She laughed and said it sounded nice, but not realistic. Then, a few short months later, I hear secondhand about this place that is exactly what I described! I visited the web site and found a doctor whose profile seemed a great fit for me. When I called the next day I JUST KNEW this was part of God’s plan. Imagine my stomach-dropping when I was promptly told they were not accepting new patients. None of the psychiatrists. Zippo. Zilch. Nadda. Even the waiting list was full.
I was confused because my hopes were so high. It had all the markings of a “God thing.” Why did God bring this place to my attention then promptly take it away? I brooded in disappointment for a week, then I remembered something the office assistant said on that initial call. She mentioned that they did have a few psychologists with openings. If you don’t know the difference, a psychologist is a doctor that specializes in therapy but can not prescribe medication. A psychiatrist primarily prescribes medication. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Call and make an appointment with one of the therapists, Laura.
So I did. And Dr. K. was an amazing therapist. Not only was she the perfect person to walk me through this next season of my story, but she told me that SHE could put me on the waiting list for a psychiatrist in the office. She said it would likely take 3-4 months, but at least I was on the list. Less than one week later, I received a phone call from the office. “Can you come in tomorrow for a new patient appointment with Dr. M.?” The EXACT doctor I had wanted to see in the beginning.
“I’ll be there!”
Later I learned that the staff tried to call several people to fill that vacant new patient slot. Nobody answered their calls. Except me.
God only gives us one piece of the puzzle at a time, but He always sees the final masterpiece. Trust Him to provide the next piece you need and watch in awe as He fits it right into place.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 22, 2015 | Anxiety, Help

To medicate or not to medicate? That is the question. Before I get started, please read my big, fat, important disclaimer below.
I have a love/hate relationship with medication. It most definitely has played a role in my story. Sometimes as the angel and often as the devil. The brutal truth is that it can take a long time to find a medication or combo of meds that work for you. It took me a year. And in the meantime, I felt like a living science experiment. I won’t mince words – it was hell.
In the beginning, I had two primary care physicians writing me scripts. I love primary care physicians, but I will no longer be treated or let any of my loved ones be treated for anxiety or depression by a primary care physician. Everyone is different. You may have a great experience with a PCP prescribing you psychiatric meds. I did not. I am still taking the wrong medication I started 18 months ago because I have to wean myself off in such small doses. At the rate I’m going, I figure it will take me more than two years to get off the cocktail of meds my psychiatrist doesn’t want me to take anymore. Good times!
The harsh reality is that it takes MONTHS for a new patient to see a reputable psychiatrist. That’s why general practitioners are in the precarious position of being the first line of defense. It’s a real problem in our country. Trust me. It is the very reason I had to walk into a hospital to see a doctor with the training and experience I needed. After that it took another 7 months to find the right doctor for me (and that was only by an act of God – stay tuned for that one!)
I need medication. At the moment, my body does not produce the right blend of neurotransmitters. I have accepted that I need my little pills to feel normal. I have also accepted that I need to deal with the side effects of the medication (of which there are plenty). Will I be able to go off the meds at some point? My doctor thinks so, but if not, I’ll happily take them for the rest of my life.
God created smart people who have developed medication for a reason. If you have diabetes, you take insulin without shame. Many of us need the extra help medication provides. Are there doctors who over-prescribe? Yes. Do drug companies try to brainwash us that their med is the magic cure? Yes. Is there a place for natural and alternative therapies. Yes, I use them all.
All factors considered, I know God led me to my current doctor for a reason. She doesn’t let me run the show. She listens to me. She responds to my frantic phone calls. She tells me, We’re going to figure this out, I promise. She uses all the tools at her disposal to help me live my best life. And for now, that includes medication. In the future, who knows? Today, I choose to give thanks for my little pills. It has taken a long time, but I no longer have medication shame. Acceptance rocks…seek on.

This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 21, 2015 | Anxiety, Faith, Most Popular
August 2014. It was time to re-enter the land of the living. I attended my last session of intensive outpatient therapy, and my work leave ended. The annual off site retreat was first time I would see my colleagues from the church & school.
I felt like a piece of driftwood bobbing on the waves. I barely knew what had just happened to me, and I had no vision for the what the future held. Doubts and questions whispered in my head.
What have they heard?
Do they know where I have been?
What will they think when they see me?
I knew I couldn’t handle the overnight stay, so I planned to drive to the retreat center early Saturday to join the rest of the crew. It was my first time traveling to this location, so I dutifully entered the address in my phone and let Siri be my guide.
I knew the retreat center was in the middle of nowhere, so I wasn’t worried when the roads began winding and wrapping with few houses in between. However, as the clock ticked toward starting time for the morning session, I knew something was not right. I should have been there by now. My anxious thoughts about my co-workers were replaced with another realized fear. I was lost.
Great, I thought to myself. Now I’ll have to make an entrance in front of the entire group. That will only make my recent absence all the more obvious to everyone in the room.
My insecurities were about to push me over the edge when I saw it suddenly appear on my right hand side. I slowed down, stopped, and stared. There, in the middle of fields of corn, sat a beautiful, abandoned church. The remnants of stone walls stood, but the roof was all pale blue sky.

I had a moment then. I get these feelings from time to time, like the Holy Spirit is tapping me on the shoulder. I did not have time to process what I saw as I drove by, but I knew it was significant.
Just then, Siri rerouted my map, and I saw I was only 10 minutes from the retreat. My sense of responsibility kicked in, and I followed the remaining instructions to my destination. I did have to walk into a meeting already in session, but I made it through the day with no awkward moments. Until the very end…
We stood in a circle. About 30 of us holding hands, and we took turns praying out loud. When the prayer made it’s way to me, I was shaking badly. I knew It was time to be honest. My mask fit me no more. So, I prayed thanks for the people who had stood by my side. I prayed gratitude that Jesus never once stopped holding my hand. And my voice cracked with tears when I shared how difficult it was to simply take the next right step. The tears really came then, and I didn’t try to stop them. I had done what I came to do. I showed up. I was in the arena, once more.
As I quietly returned to my van to head home, I felt the nudge again. The church. I knew I had to find it, if only to prove to myself it was real.
I retraced my route on those winding roads until I saw it on my left side, now. I parked my van, grabbed my camera, and stood in awe. It took my breath away. This broken shell of a church was me. Crumbling, but standing. Fragile, but strong. Rooted in a God who gives miracles to the lost.
I stepped through the empty doorway and walked reverently to where the altar must have stood many moons ago. The open circle still marked the space where the sun once shone through colored glass. I knelt down on that hallowed, rocky ground and sobbed. I cried till there were no more tears, and I felt a burst of something in my heart. Something I hadn’t felt in a long time…hope.
If God could use a lost travel route to give me this incredible gift, what else could He do? My past was raw and my future was uncertain. But that day, the gift of an abandoned church etched a truth on my soul. The destinations that I plan, may not be God’s plan. But no matter where the winding road leads, I will NEVER be too lost to be found.

This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 20, 2015 | Anxiety
A dam has broken wide open. Words are pouring forth. Stories are unleashed. My inbox and my phone are brimming with words. Your words. You let me peer behind your mask, and I am so deeply moved.
Where do we go from here? I wonder. There are so many of us, seekers of the still. We have stories, real stories, begging to be told.
Tonight, I received an email from someone with a gnawing in her gut to share. What beautiful words! That gnawing could be the beginning of the still, you know. It just might be God giving you a nudge to unleash. Perhaps just to Him or to yourself. Maybe to a therapist or a trusted fried. Or possibly, to many!
Where is He gnawing in you? Where are the cracks in your armor that let His light shine through? Don’t try to stop the unleashing, love. Let it flow from your mouth, or your pen, or your fingertips. It may just be your time…to unleash.
This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 19, 2015 | Anxiety, Purpose
Gray. That’s my color today. I’m unmotivated, foggy-headed, and tired. It’s day 19, and I don’t want to write. I thought about copying and pasting an inspirational quote just to check this day off my list, but I did that yesterday. So, I’m just going to write. For 5 minutes, I will write. I have no topic in my head and no desire in my bones. But I. Will. Write.
The clock is ticking and my fingers are speeding. What to write when the words won’t come? I wonder if I could ever be a real writer. You know, get paid for books and articles and such. I’m afraid the words would stop. Deadlines, pressure, editors. Would I fit into that world? Do I want to fit into that world? My cozy little blog is a nice place to be. There’s nobody telling me what to do. I write what I want to write when I want to write. Except for today. Today I write when I have no words.
My dog is barking and the breeze barely enters through the windows opened. I sit at my desk and can see myself in the mirror reflected across the way. Am I writer? What if I have nothing left after this story I tell? After the 31 days of writing down the bones will I want to move on? I don’t want to stay here, that’s something certain. All the “how-to” books say that one of the first steps of writing is to find your voice and find your focus. Do I want the focus of my writing to be on painful memories of the past? I want to let them go and hold my hand out to the future, but I’m afraid. I don’t know what’s out there. The what-ifs begin to plague me, and I feel myself slipping. The timer buzzes. I am saved.
This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 18, 2015 | Anxiety
Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.
~Jane Howard
This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.
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by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 17, 2015 | Faith, Help
I close my eyes and breathe. Letting go of the chaos in my mind requires a deep exhale and a shift. It’s easy to talk to God, but I’m still learning to listen.
When it happens, my heart stills in wonder. It’s not an audible voice. More like a deep knowing from within. And peace. Lots of peace.
In Old Testament Bible days people literally heard the voice of God out loud. Then God spoke through the prophets. When the time was right, He spoke through His Son. And now He speaks within.
What do you have for me today, Lord? I’m listening. I’ve set down my agenda and laid my fears at your feet. Help be open to your spirit. Please speak.
In recent days, I’ve been opening notebooks and journals from the past 18 months. Most of them are filled with stream of conscious writing. I was processing so much that writing helped me get it out of my head and into the world where I could see the truth a bit more clearly. Sometimes I wrote letters to myself or to Jesus.
Occasionally, I did something different. I listened. I closed my eyes and held a vision of Jesus in my mind. I set my pen on the paper and wrote what I heard Him saying to me. Did I really hear Him? I believe so. The messages that came from my pen were words of hope, complete opposite of the fearful voice that filled my head.
I came across a page I wrote on 7/12/14, ten days after I removed my mask and in the midst of some of my deepest despair. Here’s what it said:
What I Hear God Saying to Me…
You are closer to healing than you think.
I will give you the strength you need to carry on.
It may not always be comfortable, but it will always be doable with me.
Do not doubt me or you will be like a wave tossed on the wind.
Let go and trust me. You will be healed.
Don’t fight the fear, give it to me instead.
Rejoice always!
Be still and know that HE is God. Listen…
This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 16, 2015 | Anxiety, Help, support
There was a point last spring when my therapist told me to quit reading books and sites about anxiety because I was overwhelming myself trying to find the magic cure. As research extraordinaire, I just knew I could find the one thing that would return me to “normal.”
I hate to burst any bubbles, but there is no magic. Trust me. I have tried everything. There are, however, a few things that help me, and I want to share those over the next few days.
During my worst days, I had so much inner tension it was like my insides were crawling. I needed some way to release the physical tension and emotions that had built up.
I texted my cousin one day and told him that I just wanted to punch someone or something. He told me to do it! It sounds crazy, but I literally started air-boxing a flurry of punches to let off steam. I tell my girls to punch pillows, that works, too.
My cuz also told me one of his secret stress relievers that sounds bizarre, but works. He gets in the car, drives around, and screams obscenities. You don’t have to do the obscenity thing, but the screaming is a must. The car is the perfect place to do it.
If you know me in real life, I bet you’re chuckling at the image of me yelling or swearing at anyone or anything. In fact, people actually apologize when they curse in front of me. I have no idea why, but it’s true. Anyway, screaming, yelling (and occasionally swearing) alone in the car really works for me and here’s why.
- I spent the majority of my life not expressing negative emotions. That’s a lot of pent up junk to get out.
- Screaming (yelling) is a carnal instinct, but we’ve conditioned ourselves to avoid it. Screaming AT someone is not good, but screaming out frustrations or anger to an empty space (or even to God) is cathartic.
- Screaming at home scares pets and neighbors.
- Yelling, screaming and cursing in public is not advisable for obvious reasons.
- I take a drive in the country or park my car in an empty lot to avoid stares.
- Yelling out the negative things in my head makes space for God to fill me up with the good.
- I tend to stuff my emotions, so a good yell fest helps me avoid lashing out or getting annoyed over little things because I’ve let things build inside.
I know it sounds strange, but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Just remember to make sure your windows are up if anyone’s around!
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 15, 2015 | Faith, support
Tonight I read yesterday’s post as the opening devotion for our church’s praise team and band rehearsal. It’s one thing to release these words into the digital world, and another entirely to stand up in person and share them aloud. I feel more vulnerable. More real. Yet I also felt it was also a step toward something…I know not what.
It’s strangely freeing for the future to be unknown. Like the sower who scattered the seed, I pray God takes these words and plants them. I imagine them reaching outward, like golden rays revealing a tapestry made of words and embrace. Prayers and love. Acts of kindness. Compassion. Obedience and sacrifice. Laughter and joy. Stories and tears. You and me standing up in communion with the Spirit of the Divine.
I literally stood shaking in my boots this evening as I shared just a glimpse of where I’ve been and what I’ve learned. These 15 days of writing have ignited a fire in my soul, and I want to thank you for being part of a life that God is making new.
And if you see me in real life, it’s ok to talk about it. Really it is. You don’t have to pretend you don’t know. I have passed through the waters, and He was with me. I have passed through the rivers, and they did not sweep over me. I walked through the fire, and I was not burned.
I want to talk about the journey. I do. It won’t be weird or awkward. Well, maybe it will be a little, but it will be worth it. We’re in this together, remember? Connected by golden beams of hope.
I stood up. I hope you do, too.
This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 14, 2015 | Anxiety, Purpose
I look in the mirror, yet who do I see? My mask is down and my is truth out.
I write and write and write on the page, the flurry of my hand cannot keep pace with the fears and feelings set free. The little girl who kept it all in, who put on a brave face, is standing up to say It’s now my time. It’s my time to be angry and my time to be sad. It’s my time to feel loss and betrayal. It’s my time to feel insecure and small.
I write the words I would have said. I scream the cries I once silenced. I gather the memories and sift them through with a new lens. This lens makes it ok, healthy even, to question and defy. There is nobody to please. No one to judge. I can rage why? why? why? I fall to my knees, tears finally pooling at my feet.
I give it to God and give it to God, and give it to God, again. I let Him give me new eyes to look back and see. New ears to look back and hear. At times I feel Him close, other times I beg Him to draw near.
The pieces of my life surround me. On every side, I see them. I think the whole of me is there, shattered. In the beginning I clutch the pieces close. I hold them so tight that they pierce me with their jagged edge. I turn them over, one by one, and pray to see their truth. I no longer deny. I know. I see it now. There is both dark and light within me. I let it sink in. Dark and light. Lies and truth. My mask, my memories, and me.
I begin to understand that I cannot put these pieces back together. I try. I really try. I research and read. I bury myself with techniques and tools, but the pieces remain. I remain broken. My own hands, my own will, are unable to fit the pieces back. The old Laura is gone and the new Laura awaits somewhere beyond the horizon. I am in between the dreaming and coming true.
This place is not wasteland, it is sacred space. It is waiting. It is learning I must let her go. The stages of grief work as I bury the old me, and turn. I turn my face toward the new. In surrender, I know the miracle waits. It unfolds before me.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with the God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. – John 1:1-5
Did you hear it? The miracle? I was there in the beginning. You were there in the beginning. The real Laura existed before this body was made and will exist when this earthly shell is no more. That is the miracle. I had it all backwards. I thought this life was the point and it almost broke me because I am broken. As a human, I have light and dark within me. But the truth is beauty…read these words until they rest upon your soul.
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Do you even know what this means? It means the pain and the struggle are temporary. The pressure is off. It means I can live this life in freedom from my past and with glorious hope toward the future. And in between I have today. His mercies are new every morning. This life. This gift. One day at a time. Me and the divine. Yesterday. Today. Forever.
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 13, 2015 | Anxiety, Help, support
If I had to chose the most important lesson I learned in group therapy, it would be the day of the masks. There was a small group of us that morning – only 5 compared to the typical 8-10+. The therapist gave us a choice. We could do a more personal activity because of the small group or we could talk about XYZ (I can’t remember the other option). There was dead silence for empty seconds. Nobody wanted to choose.
“Let’s do the personal thing,” I heard myself say to the room. A few heads nodded in agreement and the therapist left the room to gather the supplies. He came back with a stack of blank paper and a kit of colorful pencils.
“Your assignment,” he explained, “is to draw, write, or use any kind of creative means to document on this piece of paper what other people think about you. In other words, what is the outside of your mask?”
My what? I thought to myself. I don’t wear a mask.
“And then on the other side of the paper,” he continued, “draw, write or otherwise indicate what you think about yourself inside. You, know, what you’re like when you take off your mask.”
Now, I am a rule follower. Teacher’s pet, remember? So, I wanted to ace this task, but I was just beginning to learn that my inside didn’t match my outside. And the idea of a mask I didn’t know I had was rather disconcerting. I started at the easiest place. I am a writer, not an artist, so I described the outside of my mask with the following words (this is a scan of the actual paper I wrote on that day). If you know me in real life, this is most likely what you see.

Well that was easy! But now I had to consider this whole idea of a mask. If you had asked me 5 months earlier to describe myself, I would have used the words above. That’s mostly who I thought Laura was for the first 37 years of my life. But, these last few months had proven that something was off. My body knew it well before my mind knew it, which means my soul knew it from the very beginning. I was wearing a mask. It was a lovely, beautiful mask, but it was a mask none-the-less.
As I stared at the blank, reverse side of the paper, I sensed this was another pivot point in my journey. If I was going to take the steps toward being whole, I needed to do the hard work of seeing who I really was. I looked within, took off my mask and wrote what I saw on the inside.

It was disturbing to realize I had been living a lie. I honestly thought my lovely mask was the real me, and I bet you did, too. But on the inside, I had this overwhelming list of feelings and doubts and shame to which I had never given a voice. When I shared the outside and inside of my mask with the group, I sobbed and they stared. The therapist asked the other students to share what they thought about my mask. “I never would have guessed you felt that way on the inside,” they said. “I feel that way, too,” they shared.
And as we all shared the outside and inside of our masks, the point of the activity became quite clear – EVERYONE WEARS A MASK. It’s true! We put our best and loveliest out there for the world to see, and we hide behind these beautiful, plastic, uncomfortable masks. And it works for a time, but eventually the masks crack or begin to slip. We become desperate to keep them on and we deny the doubts, feelings, sin and fears within. If the mask falls off when we’re not looking or not expecting it , it’s painful. But when we gently remove them in love to peer at the inside for the first time, it’s beautiful.
Jesus came to remove your mask, love. He sees right through it to the heart of you, and the heart of you is beautiful. He says let me help you through this process of removing your mask. We’ll do it together. You confess to me all the darkness and ugliness that you hide, and I will replace it with light and love and truth. I’ll help you remove your mask each and every day, I promise. Imagine my loving hands cupping your face to say, “You don’t need this mask anymore.” I gently remove it from your face, so you no longer have to hide. It is finished. Let me in. You are mine forever, mask and all.
Paper faces on parade . . .
Hide your face,
so the world will
never find you!
Every face a different shade . . .
Look around –
there’s another
mask behind you!
–Masquerade from Phantom of the Opera
by Laura Fleetwood | Oct 12, 2015 | Anxiety, support
The intake therapist raised her eyebrows in emphasis as she issued words of caution to me that first day, “Many of these people are struggling with very serious issues,” she said. “You will need to be very open and honest in that room.” Reading between the lines, I caught the meaning of her warning. My life experience is not as horrific as others. I’ve had an easy life in comparison to them. A rising voice in my head began to think, I don’t belong here. Then a still, small voice rose within.
You DO belong here. You are at a crossroad. These moments matter. Don’t waste a chance to grow by falling into the comparison pit. Your journey matters. You matter. Everyone is just doing the best they can.
The therapist was right, but so was the voice in my head. As I sat in that room and heard the suffering of those around me, it was overwhelming. So many hurting people. So much abuse. So much horror. So much running. So much pain. And in the middle of it all, I belonged there. I did. My triggering event wasn’t newsworthy, but it had unleashed fear and emotions that had long been buried deep within. I was broken. I was one of them…
Group therapy was strange at first. It was a hodge-podge of people from every walk of life finding common ground in rock bottom of some type or another. For the purpose of my writing, I will refer to my fellow journeyers as students rather than patients. The difference seems important somehow.
The students entered the room each day, scouting out the best chairs and sitting down to complete the obligatory mood questionnaire. The same questions were listed. Rank your level of anxiety, depression, fear, helplessness, sadness… How many hours of sleep did you get? Medication changes? Scary thoughts? Ideas for harming yourself? Do you want to see the doctor? What is your goal for the day?
The therapist on duty silently read the completed forms to determine which student might need to begin and then something curious happened. Complete strangers began sharing the most intimate details of their lives right there in the open for all to see. It was never the same group of people from day to day, and it sometimes wasn’t even the same therapist. We were encouraged to ask questions of one another and comment on what we heard.
Thinking back, it seems absurd that a group of complete strangers in the darkest hours of their life became one another’s community. But that is what happened even though our paths would likely never cross again.
What if it didn’t take a rock bottom experience to bring people together? What if we sat at one another’s feet instead of a table and spilled all the fear and darkness and pain? What if this happened in our living rooms and kitchens and school pick-up lines rather than in a hospital or a clinic? What would that require?
I am one of them. Could it be that you are, too?
This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life. It is messy and truthful. For 31 days, I will share pieces of my journey, practical coping techniques for dealing with anxiety, spiritual insights, emotional struggles, and a whole lot of other. I will likely jump from here to there as the Spirit leads. I invite you along as I share my experience, my strength, and my hope. Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Together, we shall seek the still.