A wise man once said, ‘”To be still sometimes requires great effort.” That is according to my new box of Tazo Rest tea! It is true, though, what the wise man once said. Here I am, two weeks into my quest to seek the still in 2011, and I am already feeling like it could easily be a losing battle. My grand plans for meditation and prayer time, nightly bath soaks, yoga by candlelight, and long walks in the woods have been replaced by the reality of a new work schedule, three jobs, kids’ classes, dinners, housework…you get the picture.
Yes, it takes great effort to be still.
Or does it? Maybe my grand ideas are worthy to explore during this journey, but perhaps they are not the entire answer. Maybe the still is right in the midst of the daily toil. Maybe it’s there in the snow day morning when my girls climb into my bed to share their dreams from the dark night. Maybe it’s in the lingering kiss with the love of my life, stolen in the middle of the busy kitchen. Or in the flames leaping in the fireplace, and the little toes warming nearby. A game of checkers with the blue-eyed, golden hair girl who is too quickly becoming a young lady. A chuckle with the hazel-eyed darling with the heart of gold.
The still is everywhere, really. Our loving God has given us eyes to see and ears to hear all of the blessings each day brings. But how often we shut them out. How often we breeze right through without thanking Him and praising Him for the gifts.
I have been given a marvelous reminder of the beauty in finding the still in the midst of the ordinary. It’s in the form of a majestic owl who perches on barren tree branches on a nearby, busy road. We see him almost daily now, as we drive from here to there. My eyes search the trees for his majestic, white chest and piercing, wise eyes. He has become my reminder to seek the still in the mad rush to make it to the next destination on time. I will him to be there. To remind me to slow down and take notice.
How many times did I drive right by and just not see?
Our Heavenly Father seems to have a history of giving divine meaning to ordinary things. The Savior of the world born an ordinary baby with an extraordinary life ahead. An ordinary shepherd boy who would become the greatest of kings. Fishermen and tax collectors who led a revolution to bring light to a dark world. Maybe, just maybe, in the midst of our ordinary lives, He brings the divine to us. And most amazing of all is that we are told, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9. One day, as God’s children, we will be in the presence of the One who made the still. The Creator of all things good and lovely.
The best is yet to come, my friends.
Do you want to join me in taking notice of these daily divine moments of still? I am starting a Seeking The Still journal. Nothing fancy. A simple book to jot down moments as they occur. To give them weight on paper. To remember. To share. What are some of your moments of still from this past week? Will you share in the comments below? Will you invite others to do the same? I will randomly select someone from the comments to receive a personal Seeking The Still journal! Just leave a comment below and either sign in or leave your email. Check in next week to see who won!