Hey there, Messy Miracle
On the outside, you look and act like you’ve got it all together.
But on the inside, you’re falling apart.
Sound familiar?
I have good news for you, my friend.

There is a different way to live.
It looks like hope, feels like freedom.
There is no magic cure for anxiety.
Goodness knows I’ve tried to find it!
But anxiety is treatable.
It is manageable.
And there is great hope for those of us who struggle.
That’s what Seeking The Still is all about!

Recognize The Signs of Anxiety

Accept That You Are A Messy Miracle

Learn The Freedom of Seeking The Still
As Featured On

A Different Kind of Help & Hope
I’m Laura Fleetwood, a Messy Miracle who had a stress-induced breakdown in my 30s. Since then, I’ve learned ALOT about finding freedom from anxiety. I’m not a doctor. I’m not a counselor. I’m a former corporate jetsetter, turned stay-at-hom mom, turned church worker. For you, I’m a guide who’s been through the darkness and out the other side.
And I’d love to share this hard-won wisdom with you, my friend.
You are not defined by anxiety.
In fact, your anxiety can point you
to a new way of seeing
yourself, the world and God.
Freedom is waiting for you to claim it.
I’d love to show you the way.

For Messy Miracles
Consider me yourpersonal, online mentor. Someone who’s journeyed the road and is championing you on your way through. No shenanigans here. Only truth, grace & love.

For Churches, Schools & Groups of Girls or Women
One in four of the females you serve is daily struggling with stress & anxiety. The rest are experiencing it occassionally. I can help YOU help THEM. Together, we can make a difference.
Instagram Inspiration