Want to Learn how to get out of your own way, so you can chase dreams you never believed were possible?
The story
Why I Do What I Do
From climbing the corporate ladder and traveling the world to staying home with kids, working at a church and having panic attacks on the bathroom floor. Life devoured me when I least expected it.
I thought I was doing all the right things. Everyone thought I had it all together, including me.
Then I broke, journeyed through the darkness and FINALLY discovering how to live REAL, MESSY, DIVINE & FREE.
Now, I mentor women and girls all over the world just like you. Messy Miracles who are tired of simply surviving their days. Your busy mind, weary body & restless soul are INDICATORS that there is a better way to live, but it’s impossible to do it on your own. Trust me…I tried.
Dear Messy Miracle
Your mind, body & spirit have been sending you SOS signals for awhile now, but you’ve been too busy to hear their call. You DO NOT have to keep living frazzled, exhausted and small. God made you for MORE than a life like that. He created you to step into a LIVING STORY because the REAL YOU is worth fighting for.
Are you ready to Seek The Still, and finally learn to live free?
Be Still,
You are a spiritual being having a human experience. That means you are mind, body and spirit. Let’s begin by discovering which part of you needs the most immediate attention and start there.
How It Works
Take The Quiz
Answer a few questions to discover which part of your life is most overwhelmed (mind, body or spirit)
Check Your Email
You’ll receive a personalized encouragement email from Laura about your next step toward Seeking The Still.
Stay in Touch
Use the free resources here on the web site and stay tuned for a NEW Seeking The Still App coming soon where you can get additional resources and authentic connection. So exciting!
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