Written for Messy MiraclesThe Birth of Our Second Child {day 5} 31 Moments of Still
We all came to welcome you, we all came to your birth We all came to welcome you, to welcome you to Earth And I was there to love you, I was there to love you, I was there to love you and lend my body for Your safe and gentle journey here Through heaven’s open door....
The Birth of Our First Child {day 4} 31 Moments of Still
And at the end of that time a beautiful rainbow bridge stretched from heaven to earth and on it came the child as a tiny baby and slid into her mother’s waiting arms.
The Wheels On The Bus {day 3} 31 Days of Still
I spent my early elementary years living in a small Illinois farming town where I took the bus to and from school each day. It was a long trek down the lane where I walked each morning to catch the bus. The schedule even varied from week to week. If it was the...
Love You to the Moon and Back {day 2} 31 Moments of Still
I was an honest to goodness worrywart when I was a child. I fretted about everything from having cancer to returning my books to the library past the due date. So when my parents traveled to Hawaii for a vacation, I was beside myself with negative thoughts. A plane...
Earliest Memory {day 1} 31 Moments of Still
A trip down memory lane. That's what this challenge is turning out to be for me. It's a fitting time for such a trip. In the autumn season, I often find myself turning inward. As the leaves change, so does the direction of my thoughts. I find that I'm more...
31 Moments of Still
Several bloggers I admire have joined a challenge to write a post each day during the month of October for 31 Days of {Change}. There are over one thousand interesting topics that women are writing about this month. I am late to the party. I did not have a topic...