
Written for Messy Miracles
Day 23: A Piece of the Puzzle

Day 23: A Piece of the Puzzle

When dealing with anxiety and depression, it's critical to have a doctor you trust. I was connected to my first psychiatrist through the outpatient therapy program I attended. He was a staff doctor. And after completing the program, I continued to see him because it...

Day 22: Let’s Talk About Meds, Baby

Day 22: Let’s Talk About Meds, Baby

To medicate or not to medicate? That is the question. Before I get started, please read my big, fat, important disclaimer below. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. I AM NOT GIVING MEDICAL ADVICE. NEVER TAKE MEDICATION UNLESS PRESCRIBED BY A DOCTOR YOU TRUST. NEVER GOOGLE A...

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

  August 2014. It was time to re-enter the land of the living. I attended my last session of intensive outpatient therapy, and my work leave ended. The annual off site retreat was first time I would see my colleagues from the church & school. I felt like a...

Day 20: The Unleashing

Day 20: The Unleashing

  A dam has broken wide open. Words are pouring forth. Stories are unleashed. My inbox and my phone are brimming with words. Your words. You let me peer behind your mask, and I am so deeply moved. Where do we go from here? I wonder. There are so many of us,...

Day 19: I Don’t Feel Like Writing

Day 19: I Don’t Feel Like Writing

Gray. That's my color today.  I'm unmotivated, foggy-headed, and tired. It's day 19, and I don't want to write. I thought about copying and pasting an inspirational quote just to check this day off my list, but I did that yesterday. So, I'm just going to write. For 5...

Day 18: Family

Day 18: Family

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard   This series is not a tidy story of a fairy tale life.  It is messy and truthful.  For 31 days, I will share pieces of my...