There is a story burning in my soul.
A story about nightmares coming true.
A story about a carefully crafted life that crumbled.
A story about thick masks that ripped away.
A story about a mind, body & spirit suffering darkest fear & pain.
A story about a family asking why…
I know the story well, because it’s my story. And it’s time to send it out into the world to you.
Burnout and breakdown no longer define me. The twisted weeds that strangled me are thinned. The light is shining and joy is spilling over in a way I never knew and never thought was possible.
The journey was messy and scary. It was also very good. I was stripped down, yet I was reborn. I learned so many life changing truths. And I want you to know them, too. I want you to see yourself in the warning signs, in the pit of despair, and in the healing.
Join me on this page in October as I share daily doses of a story that I hope will change your life as it has changed mine.
Be Still and Be Well.
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